do you get paid for adoption

If you are pregnant and considering placing your baby for adoption, you must have tons of questions!

For example, many birth mothers wonder, do you get paid for adoption?

This article will answer that question, as well as explain ways that adoption agencies support birth mothers. 

Do You Get Paid for Adoption? Here is the Answer

Short and simple: Birth mothers are not paid to place their babies for adoption. However, you can qualify for financial help and other services you might need. Here are some of the things you will get support with:

Medical Bills

If you do not have insurance, all pregnancy-related bills are paid for by the adoptive family or the adoption agency. That means that your pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum medical costs could be covered, and you do not pay any of it.

Health Insurance

If you do not have medical care or health insurance, the adoption agency will help you find coverage.

You deserve the best medical care possible. Therefore, if you need it, the adoption agency should help you get it. Also, many adoption agencies can help you find a doctor if you need one.

Financial Help

If you need help purchasing groceries, utilities, phone, laundry, or personal-care essentials, the adoption agency may be able to help you. 

State-specific adoption laws will often restrict the agency from providing certain financial services. But, many adoption agencies can take a look at your unique financial situation to find ways they can help you out.

Transportation Assistance

If you need help getting to your prenatal appointments or running errands related to the pregnancy, several adoption agencies have resources to help expectant mothers.

They may provide you with bus or gas money, a bus pass, or give you rides to help you make your pregnancy appointments.


You deserve to stay in a place that is safe, secure, and clean. Therefore, if you are not staying in a safe place or need a place to live, the adoption center can help you find housing.

They may help you find a hotel, apartment, or maternity shelter to stay/live in. The place you end up staying at will ultimately depend on your unique situation. For example, some birth mothers want a long-term living arrangement, while others want a short-term one. 

In the end, the adoption agency should help you find a place to stay where you feel comfortable and safe. If you need help paying for your living arrangements, the adoption agency or the adoptive parents will help you financially.

Emotional Support

Your adoption specialist knows you need a lot of support during this time in your life. She will be there to give you advice, support you if you choose to meet the adoptive family, and more. 

Your adoption agency should also provide you with adoption-related counseling, education, and referrals along the way. 

Talk to an Adoption Agency Professional

So do you get paid for adoption? No. You don’t get paid for placing your baby with another family. However, you do get tons of support, so you always feel taken care of.

If you are thinking about adoption or have already decided to proceed with it, you will need to find an adoption agency. Adoption agencies are there to support you through the adoption process. However, you must find an agency that can help you the way you need it.

Texas Adoption Center, for instance, will help you with all of the services mentioned above. They will make sure all your pregnancy-related medical bills are paid for. They can help you find health insurance if you need it, as well as financial assistance, if you find yourself in need of it. If you need housing or transportation assistance, Texas Adoption Center will help with that too.

Above all else, Texas Adoption Center will ensure you always have emotional support during this stressful time in your life. This adoption agency is both down-to-earth and professional. They want to help you feel empowered to make decisions that work best for you, and they will help you every step of the way. 

For more information, call Texas Adoption Center today at 512-893-7943 or fill out a contact form.

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