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teen pregnancy resources
Wondering what to do about an unplanned pregnancy? These teen pregnancy resources offer support and assistance to teens and young women across Texas.
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challenges of being a teenage parent
Teen pregnancy comes with its own unique challenges. Learn about five real challenges of being a teenage parent and find the support you need here.
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teen pregnancy options
Facing an unexpected pregnancy as a teen? This article is for you. Explore 4 teen pregnancy options, learn about each one and find resources for support.
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what to expect with adoption during covid
With so many important events put on hold, many are wondering what adoption during COVID looks like. Here’s what you can expect from the adoption process.
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i dont want another baby but im pregnant
You didn't plan to be pregnant again. As an expectant mother, you may be feeling worried, and overwhelmed at the thought, "I don't want another baby but I'm pregnant." If you relate, a solution is not far away. To start down the journey to finding answers, begin here.
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famous adoptions
These celebrities are each part of a unique adoption story. Learn how it happened and what they have to say about how adoption changed their lives.
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transracial adoption pros and cons
A birth mother wants to find the best family for her child. Adoptive parents want to expand their family and raise their children in a loving home. Sometimes, the child and the adoptive parents are from different races. Transracial adoption can be a beautiful thing. But it also comes with its unique challenges. Being educated about transracial
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adoption advice and guidance
Before you choose adoption, you want to ensure it's the right choice for you. Read on for adoption advice and guidance and to learn about your options.
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